Altar Guild
A volunteer group of the parish whose ministry is to care for the altar, vestments, vessels, and altar linens of the parish. Altar Guild members prepare the sanctuary for services, and clean up afterwards.
Men’s Breakfast
The Men’s breakfast takes place on the 4th Saturday of the month at 8:30 AM at the Deli King restaurant located at 885 Mains Street in Tewksbury. This men’s group is simply anyone who wants to show up for a good breakfast and little socializing. Everybody is welcome.
Women’s Breakfast
The Women’s breakfast is on the 4th Saturday of the month at 9:00 AM at Stelio’s in North Billerica. It’s a good time to reconnect and plan activities. Please come.
Our choir is now rehearsing on Sundays from 11:30AM-12:30PM. Please consider taking part in the rehearsals, and singing in the choir at the services on Sundays. All ages and voices are welcome.
There are options with time commitment availability and singing / music reading experience. With choral projects, your participation in preparing and singing any anthem is valued. If you can sing joyfully, you are welcome. God hears your song!
If you’re interested or have questions about the choir or the music program, please feel free to contact Peter Morelli.
Craft Group
- Meets on the 1st, 3rd (and 5th) Wednesday of the month from 9:30-11:30
- All are invited to come and meet for fellowship and social interaction. One does not have to know how to knit, crochet, or any other type of needle work.
- An optional luncheon follows at a place of everyone’s choosing
- Some of the items made during the year are for the Annual Church Fair; other items are personal gifts for family and friends
- Any items not sold or given are kept for the next Fair, or are donated to the NE Pediatric Care Hospital in North Billerica.
Embroidery Guild
The Embroidery Guild meets on an as needed basis to sew the Baptismal Bibs for the youngest new members of our Christian community. We do simple back stitch and minimal machine sewing. If you would like to join us, please contact Judy Peck via the church.
Gardening Angels
We love to plant flowers.
We maintain the perennial plan gardens of the church grounds. This includes the Memorial Garden, the front Lawn Garden, and the Side Lawn Garden (in front of the white fence). A recent project was to add 2 new trellises and clematis vines to the Memorial Garden.
Our once-a-year event is the Strawberry Festival. The Strawberry Shortcakes are made from scratch, and we pick the strawberries the day before. The proceeds help fund seasonal flowers for the church grounds and other special garden related projects.
Mission Committee
Our mission committee attempts to address local, national and worldwide needs.
- We have special Mission collections where all proceeds are used in conjunction with the Gifts of Life to purchase things such as chickens or cows, share in a well or business loans for women.
- A group went to New Orleans to help fix a home
- We collected school bags for areas hit by natural disasters, such as tornado or hurricanes.
St. Anne’s Social Group
- Adult Social Group (ages 18 – 108)
- Meets monthly to enjoy a recreational activity in fellowship; for example: Trip to Isle of Shoal’s; Movie & Dinner at Chunky’s
- Organize fund-raisers for specific needs of the church
- Small annual fee (optional) to defray some costs. Most of the collected fees are donated to the church in the form of a needed item
- We welcome you to try a meeting and plan to have fun
St. Elizabeth’s Guild
- Acts as host for events for the church
- Responsible for providing lunch for the Ash Wednesday at the (yearly) Ecumenical Lenten Luncheon services.
- Hosts Silver Tea for the 1 PM Christmas Eve service
- Manages the Bake Table and the required donations for the Annual Christmas Fair
- Hold a Bake Sale on Palm Sunday to raise funds for these events
- Hosts for any Bishops functions at the church