
Our Church and Global Missions

Mission Statement: The focus of the Mission Committee is to bring awareness to the parish of the ongoing struggles of God’s peoples globally as well as nationally and locally and to provide information on the various ways we can aid through time, talent and treasure.

St. Anne’s Mission will be taking donations for the Episcopal Relief or Development’s Gifts for Life or other charities. Please place your donations in the round box on the piano in the church.

First Sunday of the Month

On this day, we ask that you place non-perishable food items in the bin located in the narthex. Those items will be delivered directly to the Billerica Food Pantry during the following week. If you wish to donate money instead, please do so as gift cards in amounts no larger than $20. Thank you.

Third Sunday of the Month

Mission collection box We will continue with the $1 donations on the third Sunday of each month to raise funds for the needs of those throughout the world. Please place all donations in the Mission’s Collection box on top of the piano either on your way to Communion or before or after the service.